Hexcyl Systems Pty Ltd. was founded in 2007 by four Australian Oyster Farmers with over 60 years collective experience using asjustable longline shellfish farming in South Australia and Tasmania.
Hexcyl Systems designed the toughest and most productive Oyster Basket, and offer the oyster farmers and shellfish farmers a wide range of shellfisch aquaculutre products designed for asjustable longline shellfish Farming and other tidal systems.
Hexcyl Longline baskets
Hexcyl Oyster baskets and accesories are designed for a wide range of grow out options and orientations in low, moderate and high energy environments. Features: Five basket sizes to suit all shellfish growth sizes Suits Oysters, Scallops, Sea Urchin and other shellfish Hexcyl Pro Baskets are 66% bigger than 15 litre baskets [..]
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