For over 40 years, Mulot has been supplying shellfish processing equipment throughout France. They provide custom, quality equipment for various products with a specialization in oyster and mussel processing.
Vision Grading System
Designed specifically for oyster grading, this system uses modern camera technology to calculate the size and shape of an oyster, determining the count as well as choice vs standard grade. The system reduces labour and provides a consistent grade which is difficult to achieve when subject to multiple decision makers and long hours. The sy [..]
Read moreStripping Machine
Shellfish grown on socks or lines can sometimes be difficult to remove. Recent advancements have allowed processors to reduce the physical labour involved with such tasks, although not in the time it takes for the removal of this socking material. Our stripping machine integrates a blade around the spinning shaft so that as the machine ca [..]
Read moreWeight Grading System
The weight grading system like the vision system is designed specifically for oysters. When oysters are consistently grown with uniform shape, the vision system is thought by some to be overkill in determining the proper grade. The weight grading system in this manner measures only weights and sorts based on this factor alone. By groupi [..]
Read moreElevating Washer
This washer is used for in-line systems of market oyster grading. The unit can be fitted with a water filled hopper for gentle loading and provides a clean product on both sides of the shell. This application is well suited to cleaning incoming product for vision and manual grading, or can be used for a thorough cleaning prior to packagin [..]
Read moreVibrating Grader
The vibrating grader is used for sizing and sorting several varieties of shellfish. The system uses vibration to carry the product over its surface and size through a webbed mesh. This robust machine can feed directly into fish pans or fitted with inspection table for grading and dosing of the product. The screens are exchangeable and can [..]
Read moreStandard Washer
The standard washer is a great small scale washer for market oysters as well as seed. This stand alone unit works with a variable speed drive for adjusting the cycle time. A single person can operate the machine or two for increased throughput. The machine can handle loose pieces and also has enough room to handle small grey freezer trays [..]
Read moreBagger
The bagging machine had originally been designed for weighing of shellfish but has proven to be effective in filling and dosing of many other products. Several options exist with different models for high speed, high accuracy, and volumetric dosing. We can handles weighing options as low as .5 lbs to as high as 50 lbs with manual or autom [..]
Read moreThrashing Machine
This machine is designed to work specifically with the line of oyster collectors carried by Formutech. Several options exist including a model for seed removal of up to eight collectors simultaneously. The machine works by forcing a bend and vibration though the collection discs and knocking off the fresh seed set. The clean collectors [..]
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