Murre Technologies B.V.
Founded in 1987, Murre Technologies provides total solutions to the food processing industry. Murre Technologies focuses on the principles of sustainability, technology, low maintenance equipment and labour cost reduction to provide its clients with fully tailored processing solutions.
Seaweed washer
The seaweed washer or seaweed washing machine, is especially designed and manufactured for processing of fresh seaweed. The seaweed is cleaned in the bubble bath. Through peristaltic air tubes the products are going further into the machine. After cleaning the seaweed, the seaweed is carried out with a Stainless-Steel wire link belt. The [..]
Read moreOyster Counting Machine
Murre Technologies in partnership with Formutech have developed a counting machine for use within the oyster industry. Whether juvenile seed oysters or market product, the unit will accurately count out the desired quantity without the need for individual singulation. [..]
Read moreEasyFarm
What is EasyFarm? EasyFarm is a complete and thoroughly developed system for the cultivation and harvesting of mussel seed, mussels and seaweed in the vertical water column. This system was developed in 2001 by a joint venture of Prins & Dingemanse, Murre Technologies and the TNO research centre. For Prins & Dingemanse [..]
Read moreRinsing line
Murre Technologies has been producing on-board rinsing lines for mussel cutters for many years. Since it is important that the mussels are delivered to the processor with as little waste as possible, they must be properly rinsed. Firstly, they are rinsed in the hoppers and later via pintle conveyors that are dimensioned in such a way that [..]
Read moreDistribution system
Murre Technologies has a number of solutions for the distribution of the product flow on to various machines. It is important that this is done gently and without causing damage. We have rotating scrapers, which have the advantage that they always unload. We also build longitudinal scrapers, which distribute the product in batches along [..]
Read moreUnloading system
Murre Technologies has developed a rinsing hold with removal conveyor so that product can be unloaded without becoming damaged. The mussels are flushed to the elevator conveyor with water. After the elevator conveyor, there is a swinging distribution conveyor that can be swung outside the ship. Thanks to this unique system, it is possible [..]
Read moreSorting
Shellfish can be sorted on board a ship, close to where they were caught. Do you want to discuss the possibilities for sorting your mussels, oysters or whelks on board? We will be happy to be of assistance. [..]
Read moreSeparator
Murre Technologies has a wide range of separators. We distinguish ourselves by using round holes in our drum screens. Since we use round holes, we can guarantee an accurate opening size. For example, a 2 mm radius gives an opening of 3.14 mm². If you have a rectangular opening measuring 2 mm x 50 mm, the opening is 100 mm2 [..]
Read moreWaste treatment
The waste bunker has been developed by Murre Technologies. This bunker is suitable for storing a full shipload of waste. The transfer between compartments is easy and takes place by means of hydraulically operated gates. The advantages are that there are no logistical actions needed and it saves space. [..]
Read moreCone stripper
The electrical driven cone stripper is especially developed for the processing of fresh hanging culture mussels. This cone stripper empties the socks for almost 100% with little or no damage to the mussels. [..]
Read moreDe-clumper
The de-clumper is especially developed for processing of freshculture mussels. This de-clumper de-clumps for almost 100% with little or no damage to the mussels. The residence time can be controlled independently by means of a separate motor to the output screw. [..]
Read moreWasher/declumper
The washer/declumper is especially developed for the processing of fresh mussels. This machine cuts through the bunches so the mussels declump, sorts the undersize and tare and washes and rinses the mussels by means of a brush and water. [..]
Read moreHighpressure washer
The highpressure washer is especially developed for the processing of fresh mussels. This highpressure washer removes seaweed, tunicates etc. and cleans the mussels by means of a large quantity of high pressure nozzles that spray the product. The machine consists of a sorting function as well by means of a barrel. This bar [..]
Read moreDe-stoner
The well destoner from Murre Technologies has the advantage that it is compact and efficient. All the stones that are heavier than the mussels are separated as a result of their weight. They sink against the upwards flow and are removed. This can be done in batches using a sluice or continuously using an elevator conveyor. [..]
Read moreDebyssing machine
The debyssing machine is especially developed for the processing of fresh mussels. The debyssing machine removes the byssus threads from mussels which have a minimal protruding length of ± 13/32”. The debyssing spindles have a standard diameter of 25/32”. For thinner shells and smaller sorting sizes the machine can al [..]
Read moreEmpty shell blower
The empty shell blower is especially developed for the processing of fresh mussels. This empty shell blower takes seaweed and empty shells out by means of wind. [..]
Read moreBarnacleremover
The barnacleremover is especially developed for the processing of fresh mussels. The barnacleremover removes barnacles that have attached themselves to the mussel shell. Practice has taught that so-called tubeworms can also be removed by means of this machine, although in a lower percentage. The barnacleremover consists of [..]
Read moreWaterbath
Murre Technologies has developed the waterbath specially for the optical sorter, for which Murre Technologies is the worldwide dealer in the shellfish sector for Optimum Sorting. Since these machines have a high scan speed, the product must be slowed down and brought to a standstill after scanning and a waterbath is an excel [..]
Read moreInspection conveyor
Murre Technologies manufactures a wide range of conveyors. Important points in their design are: • Low maintenance • Easy to clean • Robust • Choice of belt always related to the product • Belt scrapers, if necessary, on input and output side • Collection hoppers with inspection conveyors • Food-safe dr [..]
Read moreMussel sorter
The mussel sorter is especially developed for the processing of fresh mussels. The mussel sorter is used for accurately sorting of fresh mussels; every mussel is separately transported and therefor separately sorted, so that a high accuracy is guaranteed. This machine sorts mussels from 1/2” upwards, and is steplessly adj [..]
Read moreBuffer and Weigher
Murre Technologies has developed this system because it is a very practical combination. It is handy to collect and buffer product of a certain size in water, because weighing is not a continuous process. The operator usually operates a number of stations at the same time and the possibility to buffer products is then a very [..]
Read moreHydrocooling
Murre Technologies has been developing hydrocoolers for many years. Cooling is important for tubers and shellfish so as to obtain the longest possible shelf life on the packaging. This hydrobelt cooler has been built for continuous processing and is ideal for large volumes. [..]
Read moreUniversal sorter
The universal sorter is especially developed for the processing of fresh whelks or winkles. The universal sorter is used for accurately sorting of fresh whelks or winkles. Each product is separately transported and therefor separately sorted, so that a high accuracy is guaranteed. This machine sorts steplessly from 0 – [..]
Read moreLength sorter
The length sorter is used in a carrot processing line to remove short pieces of carrot. It is a mechanical sorter, which simply removes all the small pieces of carrot. The sorting size can be adjusted. If this option is added to the process, an optical sorter can achieve a greater capacity or a greater capacity can be achiev [..]
Read moreMetal Detector
It is possible for metal to show up in any stage of the production process by being included in incoming raw material, through human error, or faulty equipment. This unit is integrated into a conveyor near or after the packaging process and can detect trace amounts of metal that may have founds it's way into the product. It will alert the [..]
Read moreEvacuating Machine
Cooked and blanched products tend to loose a considerable amount of water during the heating process. The evacuating machine allows processors to reclaim some of the water loss by submersing the product in water and modifying the pressure so that liquid absorbs back into the cells of the structure. [..]
Read moreElectronic Magnetic Vibrator
These vibrating units are used as feeding systems for an alternative to conveyors because of their controlled flow and adjustment capabilities. Alternatively to standard vibration conveying systems, the electromagnetic motion allows for quick starting and stopping and therefore higher accuracy than traditional vibratory units. [..]
Read moreBlanching
Blanchers are essential in some processes. Thanks to our experience, we know exactly which blancher to use in your process. We will be pleased to discuss the options with you and design a customized blancher. [..]
Read moreHopper
The hopper is used for bulk handling of many products. It is adaptable to several width and length possibilities for meeting your capacity requirements. [..]
Read moreFrying
Batch frying • Longer frying time • Limited removal capacity • Continuous oil filtration • Oil removal after the frying process • Easy product removal • Simple operation • Optimal frying quality Frying in a continuous process • Shorter frying time • Variety in removal capacity • Continuous oil filtration [..]
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